A downloadable tool for Windows

A Tile map making tool made for The Tool Jam 3 - 2023 

How to use;

Open the application and you will be greeted by a few buttons as well as some tetrominoes with tiles beneath them. 

Click on the tetrominoes to select them and place them on the red grid. Tiles will be randomly generated to fill the grid in the shape of the tetromino selected.

Whenever you wish to select a different tetromino just hover of the other choices and the tetromino will be highlighted yellow, click on them to change your selection.

Placing them next to each other will generated connections between the tiles.

The buttons labelled 'Save', 'Explode' , 'Clear' perform the following;

Save - Clicking this button will save a png file named "map" and will increment during the session each time you click it. ex; "map1", "map2", etc

NOTE- If you close the application this will start over so be sure to move any pngs you wish to keep out of the folder before running the application again.

NOTE - The "map" file is saved as a .png and will appear in the folder alongside the application file.

Explode - Clicking this buton will fill in the rest of the Red Grid with random tiles, this can be clicked at any time to either finish your tile map or generate a completely 

random map.

Clear - Clicking this button will clear the screen and allow you to start over.


TetriTiler.zip 476 kB

Install instructions

Click Download and unzip the folder then run the application file.

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